

2003, Gemini Sun - Gemini Rising
Arts and Culture Eleonora Spagnolo Arts and Culture Eleonora Spagnolo

2003, Gemini Sun - Gemini Rising

Riccardo Buono, known as “GOLIARDO,” is the newest Neapolitan voice currently under BruTaLabel, exploring themes of adolescence, identity, and emotional depth through his music, while delving into his personal growth and the profound impact of his artistic expressions.

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Edgy Evolution
Fashion Denise Massone Fashion Denise Massone

Edgy Evolution

Edgy fashion is a timeless, trendy style that gives shape to a bold and avant-garde look, characterized by an aesthetic that deviates from traditional conventions to embrace a more impertinent and provocative style.

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Uncredited Influences
Fashion Safiyyah Tayyeb Fashion Safiyyah Tayyeb

Uncredited Influences

Exploring the delicate line between cultural appropriation and appreciation reveals how South Asian fashion elements are often rebranded and adopted by non-South Asians, stripping them of their rich cultural significance.

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Performative Activism
Life and Style Safiyyah Tayyeb Life and Style Safiyyah Tayyeb

Performative Activism

In recent months, the rise of performative activism, particularly on social media, has become a pressing issue, as digital expressions of solidarity often fall short of effecting tangible change.

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Luck Forecast: Weekly Horoscope
Life and Style Aurora Marinelli Life and Style Aurora Marinelli

Luck Forecast: Weekly Horoscope

As Mars transitions from fiery Aries to calmer Taurus from June 10th to 16th, 2024, the zodiac sees a shift towards a more stable and soothing influence, particularly benefiting earth and water signs with a period of rest and rejuvenation.

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Fashion Icons' Timeless Influence
Fashion Jean Anna Grandjean Fashion Jean Anna Grandjean

Fashion Icons' Timeless Influence

Fashion epitomizes a dynamic homage to iconic figures, seamlessly adapting their enduring styles to engage contemporary audiences and link historical elegance with modern cultural trends.

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Like a Good Wine
Life and Style Stefano Faloni Life and Style Stefano Faloni

Like a Good Wine

Being beautiful is not enough. We have to believe it. We need to be able to walk with our head held high and be absolutely confident in ourselves. And if we do so, nothing will ever get in the way. Not even time.

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The Club Kid Movement
Fashion Yasemin Değirmenci Fashion Yasemin Değirmenci

The Club Kid Movement

The Club Kid subculture, emerging in the late 20th century, redefined New York City's nightlife and drag art with its hedonistic fashion and defiance of conservative norms, led by figures like James St James, Michael Alig, and Amanda Lepore.

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Fashion Symbol
Fashion Stefano Faloni Fashion Stefano Faloni

Fashion Symbol

We all wake up in the morning facing the choice of how to be perceived that day. Fortunately for us, we have plenty of options. And some speak much louder than the rest.

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Hello Kitty
Fashion Eleonora Spagnolo Fashion Eleonora Spagnolo

Hello Kitty

Last year, Barbiecore dominated warm-please weather trends. This year, guess who's making a comeback? Hello Kitty - the adorable cat from the Japanese entertainment company Sanrio.

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The Timeless “Cameos” of Jewellery
Fashion Rinol Job Fashion Rinol Job

The Timeless “Cameos” of Jewellery

Vintage cameos are all set to make a comeback after decades in the world of jewellery, and it’s no surprise. With style trends constantly evolving, more and more people are falling in love with the timeless beauty and sophistication of these intricately carved pieces.

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Intimate Dress Up
Fashion Mariana Parodi Fashion Mariana Parodi

Intimate Dress Up

Lingerie sets the stage for the day, transforming simple undergarments into a powerful expression of personal style and confidence, empowering wearers to embrace their individuality and comfort with flair.

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Good Villains
Arts and Culture Yasemin Değirmenci Arts and Culture Yasemin Değirmenci

Good Villains

The idea of watching the narrative arc of a good villain is exciting, to say the least. By a "good villain," the reference is to the totality of the character: the personality, the wit, the way of speech, the tone of voice, and last but definitely not least, the clothes.

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