Leave Your Mark
Who said we had to be stuck in a set of rules made by someone else? Who said we never meant to leave that place? Reality is showing us that a shift is happening. A shift in our mindset. A shift in what we want out of our lives.
Abby Roberts, via IG
If we closed our eyes for a second and thought about what being an entrepreneur meant in the past, we’d most likely picture a bunch of seasoned professionals and suited-up business leaders. We’d see a lot of money we’d desperately need and stacks of books made of the right knowledge to run the business and a team. But today, something has changed. More and more young individuals are teaching those old business gurus from above that the story is shifting. Starting from global changes like technological enhancements, globalization, and the rise of the sharing economy—where people earn money providing on-demand work—the world has conceived a suitable scenario for Millennials and Gen Z to enter the entrepreneurial arena. A reality where these two generations have completely redefined the meaning of being in business. Being raised in a highly connected world enabled them to overcome many barriers present before, finding opportunities where others saw risk and failure. And everything—of course—has its origins in the digital universe.
Gen Z was born in this era. They were brought up at the rhythm of laptops typing and relationships conceived online. On the contrary, Millennials—even if not as skilled as Gen Z—had to quickly adapt and learn how to keep up to date with a fast-paced life. They both realized it was stupid not to take advantage of incredible tools such as social media platforms. Therefore, they rolled up their sleeves and learned how to streamline processes, reach broader audiences, and quickly scale their businesses. They asked themselves why not to use the presence of billions to share their passions and potentially build up their empires. If technology gave them a not-so-little push on the back, the reason why so many new entrepreneurs have made their entrance into the arena has another origin.
Remember when people used not to complain at all about stressful jobs that required full-time on-site presence with the only perk of being allowed to use the bathroom from time to time? My dear friends, that time is over. If before, it was 9 to 5 or 6, now it’s definitely 9 to never. The perspective has utterly changed. Young generations have slowly matured a complete rejection of the old traditional career paths. They soon realized they didn’t want a boss hanging up their fates as if they were pawns on a chessboard. The desire for autonomy has taken the lead, spearheading an ever-growing army of people motivated to change the meaning of what it means to be productive. Of what it means to work and still be sort of happy. Of so many things.
They wondered if the office presence was way more important than the actual productivity used to deliver good work. In the blink of an eye, they understood it wasn’t. They’ve redefined the adjective successful. They’ve let the entire world know that it’s not necessary to land a desk job in a multi-billion-dollar firm to be considered accomplished. For the main reason that success today is not what it used to be back in time. If before, people would have looked up to you if you were making tons of money and if you had a nice apartment matched with an even more gorgeous beach house, now it’s not the same. Being successful means being free. Being able to dictate our own terms. It means having the possibility to pursue our passions and our independence.
After all of this, you will understand why so many new jobs have come into the picture, leading to nothing more than real empires. Entire businesses based on the conception of larger masses of people that fall under the name of communities.
With the booming of fitness and self-care, how many new trainers have you seen getting in line? And how many of them transitioned from completely different lifestyles and jobs? We’ve seen the YouTube platform getting filled with new creators every single day. But the reason is not rooted in the hype hidden behind the fact of being a YouTuber. The factor that pushes people to actively run channels on the platform is dictated by the simple acknowledgment that half of the world is always busy. So, why not entertain them when possible? Creators realized that turning a passion into a career wasn’t rocket science. It was just a matter of how badly they wanted it.
TikTok? Well, I guess it is not a novelty how this channel has been able to produce unprecedented amounts of business for everyone. From makeup artists to wannabe stylists, the world is constantly witnessing the ascent of extravagant personalities that bring different audiences together.
Long story short, people realized the importance of taking risks in order to achieve greater things in life. Some wanted independence, as we said. Others wanted to make a name for themselves. The goal is not the point of this story. But rather the reason why we want to get to that goal.