

The Happy Pill
Life and Style Rinol Job Life and Style Rinol Job

The Happy Pill

In a world where happiness can sometimes seem as elusive as perfectly al dente spaghetti noodles, it turns out that the secret to a little more joy might just be found in a bowl of pasta!

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Life and Style Céline Merlet Life and Style Céline Merlet


In Italy, a common adage, “anno bisesto, anno funesto”—leap year, sad year, marks 2024 as a 366-day year, reflecting the lasting influence of superstitions on modern perceptions.

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Bach ep. 1
Life and Style Céline Merlet Life and Style Céline Merlet

Bach ep. 1

A musician? Some relaxing flowers? Well, it's neither of them. This is the story of a dog born "Demon" and turned into "Bach", between moments of extreme calm and others of sheer madness.

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Nobel Legacy
Life and Style Denise Massone Life and Style Denise Massone

Nobel Legacy

The legacy of Alfred Nobel highlights his evolution from the inventor of dynamite to the esteemed founder of the Nobel Prize, celebrating contributions to peace, science, and literature.

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Bold in Red
Life and Style Denise Massone Life and Style Denise Massone

Bold in Red

Globally cherished, red lipstick symbolizes passion, audacity, and charm, remaining a staple in makeup collections with shades that universally uplift spirits.

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