New Beginnings: Weekly Horoscope

This week, from May 13th to May 19th, 2024, Mercury enters Taurus, bringing a period of practical thinking, while Venus meets Uranus in Taurus, signaling a time of unexpected changes and new beginnings in relationships and finances.

What implications might this have for us? Let's explore what the stars have in store…

Via IG @euphoria. Courtesy of the Euphoria.


Twelfth position for Libra. You're feeling foggy-brained and anxious, as if you have a driving test on a day with heavy traffic and rain.

  • LOVE 2

  • WORK 0

  • LUCK 1


Eleventh position for Aquarius. Also, Mercury turns against you from Wednesday, so in your brain, it will be like a constant stream of insults and honking horns, and being kind matters even less to you than being nice.

  • LOVE 0

  • WORK 2

  • LUCK 1


In tenth place, we have Scorpio. With Mercury also turning against you, you'll be absolutely unmanageable, and the pout will become such a part of you that they'll ask for it even in your passport photo.

  • LOVE 1

  • WORK 3

  • LUCK 1


In ninth place, we have Cancer. By the end of the week, you'll regain your intellectual energy, so you'll continue to argue with everyone, but you'll make peace with your boss, who will appreciate the return of your brain.

  • LOVE 0

  • WORK 4

  • LUCK 1


In eighth place, we have Leo. No talk of cuddles, but luckily you still remain as sexy as a steaming lasagna after a week of dieting.

  • LOVE 1

  • WORK 3

  • LUCK 3


In seventh place, we have Capricorn. You never would have imagined it could happen to you, but this week you'll call your sweetheart as sweetly as you usually do all year. You really need cuddles and affection.

  • LOVE 4

  • WORK 2

  • LUCK 3


In sixth place, we have Pisces. You're as beautiful and charming as the sea on the weekend. Everything seems to be going as you planned, and for that, you're grateful to the universe.

  • LOVE 2

  • WORK 5

  • LUCK 3


In fifth place, we have Gemini. This week, you oscillate between flirting, from which you can't escape, and the melancholy of past love, but in the end, we all know that flirting will win over everything.

  • LOVE 4

  • WORK 2

  • LUCK 4


In fourth place, we have Sagittarius. You like yourself, you're confident, so much so that you'll check yourself out in all the windows of parked cars.





Third place for Virgo. You're so in the mood for declarations of love that these days you'll even do them on demand. Any word whispered in the ear will come out perfectly.

  • LOVE 5

  • WORK 3

  • LUCK 3


In second place, we have Taurus. You're so confident and optimistic about the world that you don't even lock your bike. You feel like you deserve nice things since you give so much love.

  • LOVE 5

  • WORK 3

  • LUCK 4


And in first place in the ranking of the luckiest signs of the week, we have Aries. The 8 hours of sleep recommended by all doctors, you'll spread them throughout the week because you have too many things to do, but not even a hint of dark circles.

  • LOVE 3

  • WORK 5

  • LUCK 5

Aurora Marinelli

Aurora Marinelli, in her role as a content editor intern, is quickly making her mark in fashion journalism. Her combination of artistic passion and a relentless drive for knowledge distinguishes her in her field. Aurora brings a fresh perspective to every project, aiming to leave a lasting impression in the world of fashion with her innovative approach to storytelling.


Moving Statement


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