How to Avoid Sad Girl Winter

The buzz of the holiday season may have faded. Christmas decorations have retreated back to their boxes, and those twinkling lights that brightened foggy nights are no longer to be seen. It's all too easy to tumble down the spiral of gloom as we step into the second week of January, which seemingly drags on until March. Here’s how not to:

Photography by Mikael Jansson and Styling by Ib Kamara.

Fill Your Days With Things You Love

Spare time can lead to overthinking, and overthinking often invites gloom. Start a new hobby that you've always been curious about, whether it's painting, knitting, or rock climbing. Use this time as an opportunity to discover a new passion or reignite an old one. Remember, the goal isn't perfection; it's enjoyment.

Don’t Forget To Text Back

While the weather outside might suggest otherwise, winter is a great time to warm up your relationships. Schedule regular catch-ups with your friends. A virtual movie night, a DIY craft session over wine, or even a simple group call to share your day's highlights can keep the winter blues at bay. Remember, your besties are just a click away.

Sweat It Out

Exercise is a natural mood booster. It releases endorphins, often referred to as 'feel-good hormones.' Even if it's too cold for a morning jog, there are plenty of at-home workout routines that can get your heart racing and your spirits soaring. Yoga, pilates, Zumba...the options are limitless.

Celebrate Small Wins

Got up early today? Finished that book you've been reading? Managed to cook dinner without burning it? Celebrate these small wins. They might seem insignificant, but acknowledging them can significantly boost your mood and self-esteem. Built-in rewards can be great motivators and bring a sense of accomplishment.

Make Your House A Home

Create a space that you love. Make it cozy and inviting. Light some scented candles, throw on some comfortable cushions, drape a soft blanket over your chair, and put on your favorite tunes. Surrounding yourself with items and scents that you love can have a profound impact on your mood.

Experiment With Your Style

Fashion is a powerful mode of self-expression. Use it to your advantage. Experiment with bold colors, funky patterns, or vintage styles. Dress up for yourself and see how it adds a spring to your step. After all, when you look good, you feel good.

Remember, winter is just a season, and it too shall pass. Meanwhile, embrace the chill, the fog, the cozy nights inside, and turn this 'Sad Girl Winter' into a 'That Girl Winter'.

Alissa Costa

From Brazil's vibrancy to Lisbon's charm, Alissa is a globetrotting writer and sewing enthusiast. With a writing journey that began at age 8 and experiences across countries, she now enriches Raandoom as a Content Editor-Intern.


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