RAANDOOM INSIDE: Redbull 64 Bars Live Scampia

Adidas Originals is going all out this year, becoming the main partner of some of the biggest music events in Italy. The brand's philosophy is all about connecting different aspects of urban culture, and what better way to do so than through the most powerful universal language - music?

We had the pleasure to be invited to the first event of this collaboration: Red Bull 64 Bars Live, held on October 4 in Scampia, Naples. A sold-out event and massive hype: it was one of the most anticipated events of the year. Adidas made everything even more special by dressing several artists from the lineup in exclusive outfits, including Massimo Pericolo, Kid Yugi, Dat Boi Dee, and, unexpectedly, Rose Villain, one of the evening’s special guests.

Dat Boi Dee in a full Adidas look, courtesy of press office

For the third year in a row, Red Bull chose Piazza Ciro Esposito to bring rap, the street one, back to the stage in an unforgettable night. The ceremony opened with Guè, performing one of his most iconic Red Bull 64 Bars tracks, Venezuela. First to step onto the stage was Dat Boi Dee, the evening's master of ceremonies, accompanied by a dance troupe that set the stage on fire. Red Bull 64 Bars Live has helped change the perception of Scampia, injecting new energy and hope. The area, which has long been part of a redevelopment project, has become a symbol of renewal. The evening featured performances from other major names in Italian rap, such as Massimo Pericolo, Tony Effe, and Artie 5ive. However, breaking up the serious hardcore rap atmosphere was Nello Taver, who brought some lightheartedness and memes to the stage. The grand finale was packed with various duets, including a special moment when Rose Villain surprisingly came out and paired first with Tony and then with Guè.

Events like this are exactly what the Campania region needs. They extend a helping hand to young people, allowing them to believe more in themselves and rediscover the value of their territory and its talents, which become genuine promises of redemption. When international entities invest in creating cultural hubs where ideas, experiences, and creativity intersect, they foster something new without overshadowing what existed before. On the contrary, they enhance it.

For the grand finale, Geolier. With the epic backdrop of the Vele di Scampia, the King of Naples grabbed the microphone and dedicated a monologue to the city: “Abbiamo una fortuna che in pochi hanno: siamo cresciuti in strada, ci siamo incontrati in piazza. Da qui dobbiamo ripartire. La musica può curare, può dare più che una speranza, può creare un futuro, dare una prospettiva. Che se non è la musica può esserlo qualcos’altro. Che non c’è bisogno di fuggire, che si possono migliorare le cose qui. È successo a me, può succedere a voi. Eravamo niente, siamo Campioni in Italia. Da figlio di Napoli, di Secondigliano, a tutte le figlie e figli di Napoli, Secondigliano, Scampia e tutte le periferie del mondo intero: queste barre sono per chi crede in un futuro più bello per tutti”.

The main stage, courtesy of press office

“We have something few others have: we grew up in the streets, we met in the squares. From here, we must start again. Music can heal, it can offer more than just hope—it can create a future, offer a perspective. If it’s not music, it can be something else. There’s no need to run away; things can improve here. It happened to me, it can happen to you. We were nothing, and now we’re Champions in Italy. From a son of Naples, from Secondigliano, to all the sons and daughters of Naples, Secondigliano, Scampia, and every neighborhood across the world: these bars are for those who believe in a better future for everyone”.

His speech turned into a freestyle, which evolved into a collective chant -almost an anthem for the city- when Campioni in Italia, his Red Bull 64 Bars iconic track, began, leaving the audience breathless. Following him on stage was SLF, the crew that, along with him, is telling the story of Naples and its streets through rap.

Fireworks, tears, smiles, and incredible energy: that’s how the third chapter ended, like a movie with the perfect ending. And we cannot wait to see what’s next.

Eleonora Spagnolo

Influenced by music and fashion, Eleonora combines artistic passion with marketing expertise. A pianist at heart and guided by the Neapolitan ethos of continuous learning, she now serves as a Content Editor at Raandoom, curating content with precision and brand resonance.


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