Not Your Average Grandma

Some grandmas aren’t confined to the typical image of yarn and knitting needles but rather live lives far more thrilling than the average person. From fashion muses to mastering technology, one must never underestimate grandma.

Maggie Smith, LOEWE SS24 Campaign

The world isn’t just for the young—it belongs to everyone. While society often overlooks the elderly in our fast-paced, youth-centric culture, some grandmothers are making it clear that they refuse to be left behind. These amazing women are diving into parts of life they are often deemed out of touch with. Instead, they are offering inspirational life advice on social media, sharing their fashionable outfits, and throwing themselves into wild new adventures. And the outcome is heartwarmingly amazing.

Now, who is wiser than grandma? I can’t think of anyone. With a lifetime of wisdom and a calm, grounded demeanor, grandmas take to social media, providing a wide variety of life advice. And for some, this has proven to be quite successful. Barbara Costello, better known as Brunchwithbabs, is one such figure. As everyone’s grandma, she shares advice about everything from cooking to practical tips and general life lessons, proving that she always knows best. Delivered with her calm and warm attitude, her content reaches thousands of people who are in need of some grandmotherly advice. But grandmas aren’t just wise; some are incredibly stylish. Armed with a strong sense of self and a fearless attitude towards taking risks, their outfits are truly unique and inspirational. Helen Van Winkle, better known as Baddie Winkle, proves exactly this. Rather than being referred to as a grandma, she can be considered a living legend, or as her Instagram bio boldly claims, ‘stealing yo man since 1928.’ With a staggering 3.1 million followers, most of you have probably already heard about her, and if you haven’t, then it’s simply about time. Charming every heart with her positivity, colorful outfits, and her carefree attitude, it’s no wonder she became an internet sensation. While some grandmas showcase their own style expertise, others spread joy through their attitude and support of family. Emiko Mori, is a grandma who, with an incredible smile, models her granddaughter's handmade clothes. Her granddaughter, Chinami Mori, creates beautiful garments using the traditional Japanese weaving method known as saori. And who could model these colorful, vibrant garments better than grandma?

Moving on from something grandmas do best, let’s talk about something they usually aren’t known for excelling at. Not surprisingly, we’re talking about technology—more specifically, gaming. If you’re looking for grandparents who aren’t the sharpest shooters but are incredibly charming and hilarious, look no further. The Silver Snipers, a group of senior citizens, have made a name for themselves playing games like Counter-Strike. While they may not have the best aim, their focus is on fun and breaking down ageist barriers. They’ve participated in various tournaments, winning over the hearts of the audience. But one grandma defies these odds—because gaming is what she does best. Shirley Curry, better known as Skyrim Grandma, rose to fame on YouTube by posting her gaming videos. As one of the more adorable gamers out there, Shirley is a joy to watch as she spreads happiness through her love for gaming.

For some grandmas, even that isn’t enough action. Grandma Joy, along with her grandson Brad, embarked on a mission to visit all 63 U.S. National Parks. Now we’re truly talking about adventure-thirsty grandmas. Not only are their trips incredibly heartwarming, but Joy also shatters stereotypes. With an active lifestyle and an incredible heart, she seizes every opportunity and doesn't let something as small as her age get in her way. Another grandma who refuses to be stopped is Shirley Webb. Amazingly, Shirley began lifting weights at the ripe age of 70. After jumping into powerlifting, she has competed in numerous weightlifting events. She is a living testament that it truly is never too late to start something new and that you shouldn’t let prejudice kill your spark.

These grandmas have boundless energy and a vibrant spark. Their stories aren’t just inspiring—they’re downright incredible, managing to bring a smile to everyone’s face. They remind us that the world is for the living, and those we might expect to slow down are often the ones living life to the fullest. No matter your passion or your age, the only thing holding you back is your own limitations. After all, if you can dream it, you can do it. How will these brave, inspiring grandmas encourage you to embrace life and defy the odds?

Jean Anna Grandjean

Jean Anna, shaped by her experiences growing up in an international environment in Scandinavia, brings a distinct perspective to her work. Her diverse upbringing has fueled her passion for media, culture, and fashion, leading her to explore vibrant cities like Amsterdam, Singapore, and Madrid. As a Media & Communication graduate, she blends her passions with her expertise in a seamless manner, combining the best of both worlds. Her experiences with diverse fashion influences worldwide have further expanded her taste and personal style.


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