Extra VIVA!

The VIVA! Festival, mainly known for its exceptional line-ups and the beautiful backdrop of the city of Locorotondo, has expanded its scope over the years with an initiative that goes beyond the boundaries of music: Extra VIVA!.

An innovative and youthful segment of the festival, it offers a unique opportunity for cultural exchange and enrichment on multiple topics, allowing people to approach new worlds and explore different realities through a program of cultural activities.

Angelo Conte, from the VIVA! Festival's management, describes Extra VIVA! as a project born to expand the horizons of those who participate in the festival, transforming them from consumers to enjoyers of a 360-degree experience. “Extra VIVA! was born in 2018 as a spin-off of VIVA! Festival and as an experiment to expand both the timeframe and the thematic experiences within the event. Extra VIVA! aims to tell stories through panels, talks, literary presentations, flash mobs, and pieces of innovation that move in areas different from the purely musical one,” says Conte. “Moreover, Extra VIVA! aims to permeate the ancient village of Locorotondo, the festival’s central hub, with a whole series of activities designed to broaden its community, involve different audiences, and mix things up.”

Indeed, in this context, Extra VIVA! is not just an addition to the musical program but a true cultural expansion aimed at enriching and enhancing the surrounding territory. A fundamental element of Extra VIVA! has always been its ability to offer moments of reflection and debate on highly topical and relevant issues, given the current historical context in Italy. This year, for instance, Jennifer Guerra, an Italian journalist and author known for her work on feminist and social issues, with a young but extremely aware approach, will be present. With her book “Il femminismo non è un brand”, Jennifer, born in 1995, has been actively fighting for years to demonstrate that the new feminism is not a movement that has sold out but one that has evolved along with social mechanisms and societies. The author will enrich the VIVA! audience by addressing topics related to new feminism and its activism with an analytical and rational perspective. In an era where the debate on gender issues is more alive than ever, it is crucial to have an approach that combines passion and reason, allowing for a deeper understanding of social dynamics. And it is everyone’s duty to listen, regardless of the listener's gender. Indeed, VIVA! once again positions itself as a festival capable of looking beyond its nose and creating significant experiences for conscious audiences.

“In this new edition, the presentations of the works by writer Piero Trellini, journalists Jennifer Guerra and Stefano Nazzi, the rector of Bocconi University Francesco Billari, and radio host Luca De Gennaro will be organized in collaboration with the <Libri nei vicoli del borgo> series. With the Valle d'Itria Ecomuseum Association, two tours have been organized to allow the festival audience to learn about the history of the VIVA! locations.” These tours are not just aimed at enhancing visitors’ experience but also at bringing them closer to the cultural and historical heritage of the region, creating a deeper connection with the territory hosting the festival. Indeed, the activities of Extra VIVA! are also aimed at reviving and supporting the local economy. Another highly interesting moment will be the panel on the direction festivals are taking, conducted by Massimo Oldani, which will provide an overview of the future evolutions of the music and cultural events sector. “Commercial activities become showcases for DJ sets, there will be a panel on the relationship between music and fashion organized by the association <Moda tra le Cummerse>, a panel on where festivals are headed conducted by Massimo Oldani, and collaboration with Radio Capital.”

One of the most spectacular events of Extra VIVA! will be the return of the videomapping show, which will transform the entire skyline of the ancient village of Locorotondo into a blank canvas on which to draw images that will serve as the backdrop for the artists performing at VIVA!. Thus, not just an extra, but literally an all-round celebration that aims to involve the entire territory with a huge organizational effort. “The community has contributed significantly to the growth of Viva!”, emphasizes Conte, highlighting how collective effort has been fundamental to the event’s success. Ultimately, Extra VIVA! represents a moment of exchange and enrichment on multiple topics, where people can indeed approach new worlds. A unique opportunity to explore contemporary themes, discover new authors, and immerse oneself in local culture and history. An occasion to reflect, learn, and grow in a context that celebrates diversity and innovation. This initiative, however, is not to be considered secondary; far from it. Extra VIVA! is an integral part of VIVA! and is in constant communication with it. Indeed, the VIVA! Festival is not just a musical event but a true cultural festival thanks to all the meticulously researched and constructed activities. It is a festival that celebrates the beauty of innovation, capable of involving and enriching the audience in always new and surprising ways. The combination of music, art, literature, and technology creates a unique multisensory experience that encourages everyone to say, “I want to come back next year”.

Eleonora Spagnolo

Influenced by music and fashion, Eleonora combines artistic passion with marketing expertise. A pianist at heart and guided by the Neapolitan ethos of continuous learning, she now serves as a Content Editor at Raandoom, curating content with precision and brand resonance.


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