Chakra Power

New Year, New Life? Perhaps. Reading the newspapers these days, it seems that the whole world is engaged, as always during this period, in setting the usual "good intentions" which often get forgotten in the long run: starting this year, I will quit smoking, go to the gym, eat better, find a new job, change partners, take a new course, make new friends, and so on.

Oliver Hadlee Pearch / © ArtPartner

This time, I managed (with great satisfaction!) to extract myself from this exhausting cycle of self-improvement, which used to give me a sense of anxiety early in the morning. I have achieved a certain inner peace, a level of acceptance, regarding my perceived flaws. But, as William Shakespeare wrote in his "Henry V": "When thy soul is ready, so are the things." Evidently, my soul was ready, because a good resolution came effortlessly and without anxiety. Some enlightened individuals might say it came because I followed life’s flow and didn’t force things, which impressed me. It all started when my friend Angelo and I came across a newsletter from a site we both subscribe to (Zen Meditation), which focuses on yogic, holistic disciplines, and meditative practices. This email introduced an online school with practical courses in these subjects. Intrigued, Angelo and I explored the Academy, finding content on yoga asanas, meditation types, lessons about chakras, and more. This school, though not the only one dealing with these topics, attracted us because it felt natural, especially one course: "The Doors of Energy - Knowing and Opening the Chakras." Angelo and I exchanged a knowing smile and a wink and signed up. What captivated us was a test on Chakra knowledge: the Sanskrit term for "wheel," referring to specific points in the human body, also known as "energy wheels," which rotate and move in synchrony. There are seven main chakras, each representing energy centers responsible for various organic functions, actions, behaviors, and states of being. A "blocked" chakra doesn't mean it ceases to function; it indicates an imbalance or disharmony, leading to obstacles in spiritual, mental, and physical health. Through the test, Angelo and I identified which chakras needed attention.

Aya Brown, PRECIOUS LEE'S SEVEN CHAKRAS, 2021. Color pencil on brown Kraft paper, 9 x 12 inches; courtesy of the artist.

Setting a chakra "in motion" involves various approaches: practicing connected yoga asanas, meditating while reciting the mantra (a Hindu practice involving repeated specific sound formulas), and using healing stones, also known as chakra crystals. How is it possible that a still and immobile object, a stone, makes us feel better? How is it possible that it has healing properties? And how do we know which stone is right for us? These questions led us to explore further, driven by our curiosity and love for ourselves and the life we live. Crystal Therapy provides answers: using minerals to cure various ailments. The contact between us and the stones opens the chakras, allowing unblocked energy flow and re-establishing balance. This 4,000-year-old therapeutic art, now backed by science, reveals that minerals contain vibrational energy transferable to human cells. Dispelling a myth: stones are not "inanimate"; they emit energetic vibrations. Under a microscope, all their particles are in constant movement. According to the law of vibration, nothing in the universe is static. Everything, visible or invisible, comprises moving particles with specific vibrational frequencies. This discovery in quantum physics shows that everything, from furniture to rocks, vibrates continuously, enabling electromagnetic communication. Not all things have healing properties, despite all having vibrations. Well-being comes from elements with specific vibrational frequencies that match what we aim to treat. Each stone has unique energy and potential. The resonance frequencies of crystals, measured in Hertz, determine their compatibility with humans. To find the right stone, Angelo and I could consult a crystal therapy expert, take a detailed test, or choose a mineral that felt harmonious in terms of shape and color. The test was our starting point, revealing which chakras lacked energy and which crystals matched our needs. Fortunately, online resources and tables exist, detailing each stone's healing properties. For chakra crystals to be effective, they must be in contact with us, whether through massage, jewelry, or simply being carried in a pocket. This contact facilitates energetic communication and energy transfer. Another method is placing the crystal on the body during meditation, repeating the chakra's corresponding mantra, or arranging stones at specific points in the home.

Vogue Images

There are minerals for every need. For instance, after the test, I discovered that my first chakra (Root Chakra) was weak, so I chose red jasper, which boosts physical energy and mental clarity, combats negative thoughts, and helps with low blood pressure, skin purification, and gastric regulation. I initially felt a light pressure where the stone touched my skin, which gradually gave way to a sense of invigoration. Angelo chose tiger's eye for his third chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), which aids in maintaining courage and self-esteem, overcoming difficulties, reducing stress, improving digestion, calming effects, and is believed to bring luck to travelers. Other chakras have corresponding stones, such as the orange calcite for the second chakra (Sacral Chakra), aiding in connecting with one's creative, sexual, and emotional dimensions. The fourth chakra (Heart Chakra) is supported by stones like rose quartz and green aventurine, which increase self-compassion and counteract negative energies. The fifth chakra (Throat Chakra) benefits from amethyst, enhancing reflection and meditation. For the sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra), stones like lapis lazuli and azurite help clear brain fog and increase spiritual connection. Lastly, the seventh chakra (Crown Chakra) corresponds to stones like quartz crystal and white topaz, promoting inner peace and concentration. These stones must be carefully preserved, cleaned regularly under running water, charged under the full moon, buried, or treated with incense. Angelo and I plan to keep our stones active, incorporating them into our meditation practice. Closing our eyes, we imagine the continuous movement and vibrations between us and the minerals, an exchange of energy unseen by the outside world.

Denise Massone

Denise Massone is a multifaceted entrepreneur and artist, excelling in writing, music, and visual creativity from a young age. With a background in music and human sciences, she has evolved from a journalist to a business owner. Now, Denise combines her artistic passions and entrepreneurial skills as a content editor at Raandoom, aiming to leave a significant impact in the world of writing and cultural communication.


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